Disable Sub Addressing

Issue #782 resolved
Fabian W created an issue


I use extensivly the sub-addressing (plus-addressing) on my email address. So I can use for each service an own email address. e.g. myname+servicename@host.com

All my emails received by my MTA are forwared to archive@piler.local (by setting always_bcc in postfix).

Unfortunately, all emails received by piler are stored in the wrong mailbox. So each email gets stored under servicename@host.com instead of myname@host.com

I can't see any variable in config to disable this behavior. So could you please introduce any config-variable?

Comments (6)

  1. Fabian W reporter

    I found a small workaround. So you could set "X-Envelope-To:" instead of the complete address only to "myname@host.com" The email received by piler now gets stored in the mailbox myname@host.com, but unfortunately also still unter servicename@host.com.

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