Empty Search Results in Piler

Issue #794 invalid
Caleb Frederick created an issue

I have installed Piler version 1.1.1 via the instructions located on this site: http://wiki.ozanh.com/doku.php?id=linux:debian:mailpiler on Debian 7.8. I have everything working as it should except for receiving no search results. While reading through past entries in regards to this issue I have tried what others have tried to no avail. I will list my troubleshooting steps to this point below.

I have altered permissions on the following directory chmod -R 777 /var/piler/sphinx

I have checked the syslog and found that these entries at the 5th and 35th minute of each hour showing that the indexer.delta and indexer.main scripts are firing off. /USR/SBIN/CRON[46417]: (PILER) CMD (/usr/local/libexec/piler/indexer.delta.sh) It then tells me with a few seconds of each other that indexing delta has finished and merging delta to dailydelta has started and finished within a second of each other. This would tell me that maybe that script isn't firing correctly.

I then executed an su piler and attempted to fire the script manually with a permission denied message appearing. Doing a "ls -l /usr/local/libexec/piler" shows only root having permission. I then give piler full permission to these scripts, but still receive the access denied message. I have also checked the dailydelta and delta files in Sphinx and they are growing with each pass of the cron jobs firing. I am currently at an impass and greatly appreciate some guidance on what could be going on. It seems as if I am sooo terribly close to getting this going.

Thanks in advance and let me know what you need from me,

Comments (8)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I always wonder why people just use a 3rd party docs, instead of following the official installation guide on the piler site. It costed you an older release, because piler is at version 1.2.0 at the moment.

    Anyway click on the search button, then check the logs. They should reveal what's going on.

  2. Caleb Frederick reporter

    Yes it would appear that the version of Sphinx Search (2.0.3). is unsupported. It says search happened in 0.00 secs with 0 hits, but found 367 objects. Is this a correct assumption?

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Yes, you are correct. Upgrade to sphinx 2.2.11, and it should work. If you have only a handful of emails, then I'd suggest to drop the archive, and reinstall it with piler 1.2.0 and sphinx search 2.2.11, and you'll be fine.

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