Representation errors with css mails

Issue #796 resolved
debian13 created an issue

I still have errors in rendering using e-mails that are css formatted. The graphics are missing in principle and somehow are always out of shape.

Is this a feature or is it a display defect that can be modified?

Comments (6)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    This must be an older gui, right? Anyway it's a feature, not a bug. By default the images are replaced by a gray placeholder. Note that the gui doesn't aim to be a webmail replacement, rather it provides a preview of the emails.

    Try setting the following in config-site.php, then see it again:

    config['ENABLE_REMOTE_IMAGES'] = 1;

    Note that the latest version of the gui doesn't hinder images like before.

  2. debian13 reporter

    "Note that the gui doesn't aim to be a webmail replacement, rather it provides a preview of the emails."

    I now look more in the archive, is nice to have everything at a glance.

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