pilerimport just displaying connect ()

Issue #807 resolved
Hans Mustermann created an issue

I successfully deployed piler and everything's working. just pilerimport doesn't. I tries IMAP and Pop3, but after writing the command for importing it just displays: connect ()

And sets me back to the prompt. I tried 3 different accounts, simple password, IP, domain name.

Comments (14)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Run ngrep -X 110 (or 143) to see what's going on. Assuming you are not using ssl, otherwise specify -P as well.

  2. Hans Mustermann reporter

    root@debian:~# ngrep -X port 110 interface: eth0 ( filter: (ip or ip6) and ( port 110 )

    then it's stalling, if I cancel, it displays:

    4 received, 0 dropped

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    OK, then run pilerimport again. Ngrep displays the network traffic. If you can't see anything (even when using ngrep with -x (and not -X)), then look at the other interface.

  4. Hans Mustermann reporter

    root@debian:~# ngrep -X port 143 interface: eth0 ( filter: (ip or ip6) and ( port 143 )

    T publicip:143 -> [AR] ......

  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Try this, and make sure you can see the imap server banner. If not, then you have a connectivity issue.

    telnet <publicip> 143
  6. Hans Mustermann reporter

    Thanks. It was really the connectivity. I couldn't connect to the ports without SSL. After Using port 993 it works! That's strange because the ports in Kerio are fine.

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