Piler 1.3.0: CC and Bcc field

Issue #825 resolved
kevinsanghvi created an issue

Hello Janos,

Hope you are doing good!

We have installed Piler 1.3.0 on Ubuntu 17.04 which is hosted on Azure. We are doing Email testing with different scenarios like type of attachment, size and CC and BCC recipients.

We have found when any email is sent from Gmail with To, CC and Bcc field, CC and Bcc field is not visible on UI. However, the same is visible in Message headers.

Please advise. Please find attached screenshot and header.

Thanks, Kevin

Comments (25)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    You just redacted the important parts out. Can you show me what can be seen in the GUI? Note that the same information is already in the attached txt file. Regarding the Bcc field. It shouldn't be in the email you receive, otherwise it's not a blind copy anymore.

  2. kevinsanghvi reporter

    Hello Janos,

    Thanks for your response.

    Please find new sample screenshot and headers. I am performing some more testing on Bcc field and will let you know.

    Thanks, Kevin

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Piler won't process the Bcc: header, because it should not be in the email after it passes the first MTA. Other than that you have only a single recipient in the email. Show me an email with Cc: entries from gmail.

  4. kevinsanghvi reporter

    Hello Janos,

    Thanks for the update.

    Please find CC headers and image.

    I observed one issue today, there were no messages in piler search and till yesterday there were around 39, though haven't made any changes.

    • Retention policy is default - 2257.
    • Piler purge is disabled already.
    • rc.piler, searchd and mysql was running fine.

    I just changed the permissions /var/piler/sphinx service to 777 and restarted mysql, now it is showing 1 message which is sent from Gmail just now.

    I followed follow steps from FAQ and 46 messages are indexed in sph_index table, still not showing on UI.

    I can see only today's emails in the archive and not any single previous emails.

    Some Linux distributions (notably Debian and Ubuntu) have a daily cron job to reindex everything. Unfortunately this ruins the sphinx index files piler relies on. However the older emails are not lost you still have them, they are just disappeared from the sphinx index. To bring them back, perform the following steps.

    1. Edit /etc/default/sphinxsearch, and set START=“no”.

    I recommend you to use the piler shipped init.d/rc.searchd script to start searchd. You may call it from /etc/rc.local. (Note that it starts it as user piler, so make sure /var/piler/sphinx has proper ownership.)

    1. Reindex old emails. After that older emails should appear after the next indexing is done.

    cd /tmp reindex -a

    Please advise.

    Thanks, Kevin

  5. kevinsanghvi reporter

    search issue: got all the messages back on UI. Thanks, I will check for couple of days : )

  6. kevinsanghvi reporter

    Sure. Thanks for the update. Could you please let me know which file is used for this purpose, are you reproducing on piler 1.3.0?

    Thanks, Kevin

  7. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Yes, I've used 1.3.0 which is on the demo site (though I use the default theme, not the mobile). And it seems that the parser is able to properly see both To and Cc addresses, and they can be visible in the gui. Please check http://demo.mailpiler.org/ and see it for yourself.

  8. kevinsanghvi reporter

    No Luck, after changing theme to default from config.php. Please advise!

    Thanks, Kevin

  9. kevinsanghvi reporter

    Please let me know which file to check for CC configuration so i can compare with old version setup otherwise will reinstall the piler.

    Thanks, Kevin

  10. Janos SUTO repo owner

    There's no "cc configuration". Take the samples you attached, run pilertest against them, and verify that all recipients (either in to or cc) are present in pilertest's output. If so, then piler is just fine. Btw. what files did you modify and what changes did you make? You may try to setup another virtualhost with the original gui, login to the new virtualhost, and check if all recipients can be seen.

  11. kevinsanghvi reporter

    Thanks for the update.

    Could you please let me know where .eml files would be stored. I tried checking /tmp and /var/piler/www/tmp and didn't found the same.

    I am trying to use syntax: pilertest <filename>.eml

    New Virtual host configuration on apache2 didn't worked for viewing CC recipients. Haven't made any major changes.

    Thanks, Kevin

  12. Janos SUTO repo owner

    You have no raw eml files, piler stores them in a different format. However you can download an email in eml format, put it to /tmp, then run pilertest.

  13. kevinsanghvi reporter

    Thanks for the update. I performed the same and following is the output of the email having recipients in To and CC.

    As per this output, it's showing "CC" recipient in "To" field.

    pilertest 62.eml locale: en_US.UTF-8 build: 955 parsing... post parsing... message-id: CAKzPY+ntSjtNG3GHnCjFyVsbeeHVxMGSVcRLhWOquqHzrOV=0g@mail.gmail.com / f56106d92d338fac9f0339f6ef277da25e3708b15b73f6db05bf181b387a121a from: sanghvi kevin reachme@kvns.in reachme kvns in (kvns.in) to: searce demo 100 demo@searce.me demo searce me gold cloud gold@searce.me gold searce me (searce.me ) reference: subject: 3.31 PM body: sent: 1499162532, delivered-date: 0 hdr len: 2344 body digest: 9cefd4d59e315cbba2f4c1176a4592a484d64f8bce97ba4e2376823c9bde8717 rules check: (null) folder: 0 retention period: 1720087622 attachments: direction: 0 spam: 0 NOT IN mydomains

    Please advise.

    Thanks, Kevin

  14. Janos SUTO repo owner

    First advice: format your comment to not torture my eyes. Regarding the to: line I can see both addresses. Now we should determine if the rcpt table has these addresses.

  15. kevinsanghvi reporter

    Thanks for the update. Please let me know which files you need to see or I can also provide SSH connection.

    Thanks, Kevin

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