Searchbox not visible on IE8

Issue #83 resolved
Karsten Bandlow created an issue

div id=searchcontainer is not showing on IE8 with Template Default. Old template works

Comments (9)

  1. Remi S

    I only have IE 9 & 10 installed. This DIV shows in both of these browsers. I will try to set up an XP VM and test. In the meantime, can you describe a little more about how the div is not showing? Is space reserved for it or does the results window sit right below the menu bar? Can you post a screen shot? Thanks!

  2. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I discovered a bug in view/javascript/piler-in.js around line 480:

    Piler.Searches.Expert = {

    For some reasons IE8 complains about it, and nothing happens when you click on the search button. IE9 has no problem and works as expected, as well as Firefox and Chrome. So it might be a bug in IE.

    I'll make some changes on the devel demo site to figure out a solution.

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    just committed a workaround for piler-in.js to work with IE8. It appears that IE8 doesn't like the following statement:


    I rewrote it to:


    The original "searchcontainer" issue still stands.

  4. Remi S

    It seems that there was an issue with the body padding not being applied in IE7 & 8. i have added a conditional statement that takes care of the issue on both the search and audit pages. I may re-do the css for this in the future, as I'd like to add better support for smaller screens (tables) in the future.

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