no message or header information display

Issue #833 invalid
Benjamin Facon created an issue

Hi, I created a ebuild (package for gentoo/funtoo) to make piler run in the gentoo way... All worked like a charm (some patch files needed to be created...). but since the last (global) system update, messages are archived but the interface don't show header informations or message content. here is the apache error wich i think is the root of my problem: [Wed Aug 02 20:24:43.738277 2017] [:error] [pid 811] [client] PHP Warning: substr() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /var/www/ on line 184, referer:

An idea?

Sorry for my poor english but i'm french (french people don't make any efforts to speak other language... and i'm french since too long...)

Comments (13)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    It's ok, I like French people :-) By 'last (global) system update' what piler version do you refer?

  2. Benjamin Facon reporter

    By global system update i mean everything but piler. I use piler 1.2.0... You will tell me to switch to 1.3.0 ? ;-)

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    No, not necessarily. If you are happy with piler 1.2.0, then you may continue using it. I'll check the 184th line in that file. Btw. is it a consistent error, or it occurs with some messages? And what has changed by the global system update?

  4. Benjamin Facon reporter

    the error is consistent, with more message with differents php version: 7.1: [Wed Aug 02 15:08:16.802250 2017] [php7:warn] [pid 300] [client] PHP Warning: iconv_mime_decode_headers() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /var/www/ on line 130, referer: [Wed Aug 02 15:08:16.802308 2017] [php7:warn] [pid 300] [client] PHP Warning: Illegal string offset 'type' in /var/www/ on line 284, referer: [Wed Aug 02 15:08:16.802317 2017] [php7:warn] [pid 300] [client] PHP Warning: Illegal string offset 'type' in /var/www/ on line 287, referer: [Wed Aug 02 15:08:16.802323 2017] [php7:warn] [pid 300] [client] PHP Warning: Illegal string offset 'type' in /var/www/ on line 293, referer:

    7.0: [Wed Aug 02 15:09:09.705270 2017] [:error] [pid 641] [client] PHP Warning: iconv_mime_decode_headers() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /var/www/ on line 130, referer:

    5.6: [Wed Aug 02 15:10:49.670559 2017] [:error] [pid 811] [client] PHP Warning: iconv_mime_decode_headers() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /var/www/ on line 131, referer: [Wed Aug 02 15:10:49.670621 2017] [:error] [pid 811] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined index: charset in /var/www/ on line 306, referer: [Wed Aug 02 15:10:49.670631 2017] [:error] [pid 811] [client] PHP Notice: Undefined index: charset in /var/www/ on line 307, referer:

    Every piece of software have changed (minor version): mariadb, php, apache... I need some time to investigate and tell you from wich versions...

  5. Benjamin Facon reporter

    I tested version 5.6 7.0 and 7.1. PHP 7.0 is the current version running for apache. I'm not at home for now but i will try to check version of all dependencies (past and present).

  6. Benjamin Facon reporter

    Here the dependencies i put in my ebuild file to build piler, the version installed and the previous (when it was updated):

    openssl: 1.0.2k tcp-wrappers: 7.6.22-r1 mariadb: 10.1.25 / previous: 10.1.21 sphinx: 2.2.11 php-5.6: 5.6.31 / previous: 5.6.30 php-7.0: 7.0.21 / previous: 7.0.16 php-7.1: 7.1.7 /previous: 7.1.2 apache: 3.4.27 /previous: 2.4.18 tre: 0.8.0-r1 libzip: 1.2.0 /previous: 1.1.3 sysstat: 11.4.5 /previous: 11.4.3 catdoc: 0.95 poppler: 0.51.0 unrtf: 0.21.9 tnef: 1.4.15 /previous: 1.4.12 xlhtml: 0.5.1_p6 memcached: 1.5.0 /previous: 1.4.35 pecl-memcached: 2.2.0-r2 and 3.0.3 xcache: 3.2.0 libpst: 0.6.66-r1

    see somethings suspicious ?

    by the way: thanks for your time and disponibility...

  7. Janos SUTO repo owner

    You are torturing my eyes. Please use the formatting options of bitbucket. Anyway the demo site ( uses php 7.0.18 + piler 1.3.0, and it works properly.

    Try the following: download either the master branch or the stable 1.3.0 tarball (see the Downloads menu), create a new test virtualhost, and put the webui directory contents there + copy the config-site.php as well (don't forget to fix the base dir settings!), and check if the problem persists.

  8. Benjamin Facon reporter

    The "global" update is not the problem. Wrong permissions on /var/lib/piler/store: i just set to 777 and header and messages are now displayed in web interface... I will look for "reduce" permissions to minimal.

    Thanks for your help !!

  9. Janos SUTO repo owner

    The store should be owned by piler user and group, then 700 is just fine on the store dir.

  10. Benjamin Facon reporter

    Just for information, i set 700 on the store dir, set SetUID and SetGID on pilerget and pileraget: problem definitively solved. Thanks for your help.

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