WebGUI: error parsing the configfile: /etc/piler/piler.conf cant connect to mysql server

Issue #837 invalid
Matthias Herberg created an issue

Hi everyone,

I get the above error when I try to view the headers/attachment of a mail in the Web GUI. When I search for mails I get many results, I see the subject, recipient, sender, size, and date but not the text.

On terminal everything works fine: I can export the mail and the attachments with piler[a]get.

I'd like to know which problem with the config file the WebUI has exactly. How can I debug this?

It's a fresh install:

piler -V: 1.3.0, build 956, Janos SUTO System: debian stretch, Apache 2.4 + php 7.0 + mariadb 10.1

Comments (4)

  1. Matthias Herberg reporter

    Found it: Was a problem with the permissions for the config file because WebUI runs as user www-data.

  2. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I don't think you have really fixed the issue. Viewing the message requires running pilerget and pileraget in the background. They should be setuid/setgid binaries to be able to read both the piler config and the files in the piler store directories. The www-data user should have no access to either piler.conf or the stored email files. I suggest you to review their permissions.

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