Attached/embedded mails are not shown in WebUI

Issue #848 resolved
Henry Jensen created an issue

We have lot of forwarded mails with the original mail attached . In the WebUI the appear as mail with empty body and nor attachment, however downloaded as eml they can perfectly be read (e.g. with Thunderbird).


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Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 15:03:38 +0100
From: "Anna Dopp" <>
Subject: Wtrlt: Parkplatz Sportanlage
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Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 15:03:38 +0100
From: "Zentrale" <>
To: "B Becker" <>,
Subject: Parkplatz Sportanlage
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: inline

Hallo zusammen,

heute sind wir in der Zentrale gebeten worden, Ihnen/Euch mitzuteilen,
dass immer mittwochs ab 14.00 Uhr auf dem Parkplatz der Sportanlage
nicht mehr geparkt werden darf.

We run piler master branch from 10/04/2017 on Debian 9 (master branch because of openssl 1.1)

Comments (12)

  1. Henry Jensen reporter
    locale: en_US.UTF-8
    build: 956
    post parsing...
    message-id: <> / 40fa620016287394315cf6f89b9ec1f93cff8ee7ba9e10a1a048f8a2ddae409a
    from: *anna dopp a dopp domain de zentrale  (*
    to: * a dopp uni due de b becker b becker domain de  ( )*
    reference: **
    subject: *Wtrlt: Parkplatz SportanlageSubject: Parkplatz Sportanlage*
    body: *Hallo zusammen heute sind wir in der Zentrale gebeten worden Ihnen Euch mitzuteilen dass immer mittwochs ab 14.00 Uhr auf dem Parkplatz der Sportanlage nicht mehr geparkt werden darf *
    sent: 1385561018, delivered-date: 1385561023
    hdr len: 538
    body digest: 5941a76e7aa9c3e0fd410e2901390d2f8234c0c91c1c6bd2ecb3a75f5e14f7fc
    rules check: (null)
    folder: 0
    retention period: 1823428080 (3660 days)
    direction: 0
    spam: 0
  2. Janos SUTO repo owner

    If there's a non sensitive email like this, can you make the original eml file downloadable? I'd check it using my test archive. Perhaps it's an issue in the gui parser.

  3. Henry Jensen reporter

    Yes, as I said, the EML can be downloaded and the mail body can be read. But in the WebUI all I see is the mail header and no body.

  4. Janos SUTO repo owner

    You misunderstand me. I'd like to see such a message with my own eyes, that's why I wanted to download it.

  5. Henry Jensen reporter

    Sorry for missunderstanding - i just sent you a mail with a link where you can download a real life example

  6. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I've checked your 2 emails. The trouble is that the Zend library has a hard time decomposing your messages, and that's why the preview pane is empty. I tried a workaround, but it messed with other messages, so it's not good. At least not yet. I'll keep working on it.

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