Another "cannot connect to mysql" - deb. 8+piler 1.3.0

Issue #849 resolved
Marina Diezler created an issue


thanks for your big efforts with mailpiler! I'm trying to set up mailpiler 1.3.0 but as others too I encounter problems with piler.conf. I copied piler.conf.dist to piler.conf in /usr/local/etc/piler and tried to start piler. I got "cannot connect to mysql server"-error so I read and investigated a bit.

When I do pilerconf|grep mysql I get


I tried to connect to mysql as user piler with the associated password and on commandline I can connect.

When I copied the piler.conf.dist-file to piler.conf there was no info on mysqlhost and port, those lines were completely missing, so according to what I found here I added them but it didn't help. What else can I do? I tried to change several parameters in piler.conf but nothing changed the issue.

I installed piler using this file assuming it's the recommended version...?
The system is a fresh Debian 8.9 plus webmin installed in version 1.850.

Do I have to re-install? Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Best regards, Marina

Comments (2)

  1. Marina Diezler reporter

    ARGH! I supposed that the password was stored somewhere else using a hashed value but now I found out that this really is the place for the password so of course it didn't work. No bug but still a bit of confusing especially as I found nowhere in the docs that I had to edit the piler.conf manually.

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