Pilerexport strange problem

Issue #851 closed
malvivent7 created an issue

Hi to all, my problem is this: i have succesfuly upgrade my piler install from 1.3.0 to 1.3.1; i want to export a subset of emails from my archiver from commandline. This emails contain all the sender domain (example...) example.com so in a directory in witch the user piler can export i put this command from console:

pilerexport -F example.com -d no emails (with the dryrun parameter) id scroll in console but if i put : pilerexport -A -d all emails are teoreticaly exported. My question is how can i solve this strange problem? thanks in advance for all possible help.

Comments (3)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    show the output of the following mysql query:

    SELECT DISTINCT `id`, `piler_id`, `digest`, `bodydigest` FROM v_messages WHERE deleted=0 and `fromdomain`='example.com' limit 10;
  2. malvivent7 reporter

    Found it!!! thanks Janos for your hint. This query returned an error saing that deleted column dont exist so i found that during past upgrade some sql upgrading mysql piler's schema dosent go well so i checked query per query and adjusted the v_messages view and now pilerexport go smoothly. Thanks Janos again for your help

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