pilerexport where clause examples

Issue #853 invalid
malvivent7 created an issue

Hi i want use pilerexport from commandline with the where clause but for example if i use this statement: pilerexport -w match('@subject:Best pills for Potency') i receive this error -bash: sintax error near unexpected token"(" (sorry for my poor translation of the message from italian) How can i construct correct command?

Comments (3)

  1. malvivent7 reporter

    Apologize for my question formulation but my need is an hint on how use pilerexport with the where clause

  2. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Please stop issuing 'major bugs' when there's clearly no bug at all. If you carefully read the error message you can see it's bash complaining, because you didn't escape ( or ). So that's the fix: escape them.

    And the next time, please use the mailing list. The issue tracker is for bugs. Your lack of shell knowledge is not a piler bug.

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