piler command line flags other than -d ?

Issue #856 resolved
wasdf asas created an issue

Is there any piler CLI flags? for example to override config options?

Comments (4)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Ahh, yes. -h gives 'usage...'. I'll fix it to show a proper help. Anyway, you may specify -c /some/other/place/for/piler/config.file. -V and -v give you some version info.

  2. wasdf asas reporter

    I wonder is there switch for run piler in foreground not deamon mode? Is there any switch to debug or log piler operations? thx in advance

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Without -d piler runs in the foreground, however it still syslogs its own messages. If you want to debug what it's doing, set verbosity=5 in piler.conf.

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