run piler without root?

Issue #857 resolved
wasdf asas created an issue

Is there a way to start /usr/local/sbin/piler without access to root?

Comments (6)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Piler requires root privileges for 2 reasons: - to bind to port 25 - to switch to user piler

    I'm not sure if it's a bug at all, but try setting listen_port to a port above 1024, then try to run it as user piler.

    Btw. will you explain why you don't want to start piler as root?

  2. wasdf asas reporter

    I am trying to run piler as a service with runit, inside multiple services docker container. that wont work and I dont know even howto debug why exec /sbin/setuser piler /usr/local/sbin/piler -d that works exec /usr/local/sbin/piler -d but runit cannot control piler processess restart/kill zombies etc.

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