Piler admin and auditor user not able to login

Issue #864 resolved
Ranjith created an issue


We are facing a strange issue. Suddenly we are not able to login with our piler admin and auditor users.

When we try to login, it simply returns the same login page.

As checked in mysql Piler db, both the users exists, I suspect that this might due to users dont have rights to show the page.

Please let us know how to assign previleges to the user or else how to create a new user with required admin previleges

Comments (10)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    So it was working for quite some time, and then suddenly it stopped working, right? You should check the free disk space (on all partitions!), as well as both the mail and the mysql logs for clue.

  2. Ranjith reporter


    Yes, it stopped working suddenly. no clue in logs, is there any way to create new admin and auditor users?

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Don't create anew one, rather fix the current one. Try the following: login to mysql piler database as user piler, then execute the following statement:

    update user set password='$1$PItc7d$zsUgON3JRrbdGS11t9JQW1' where uid=0;

    This resets the admin@local password to pilerrocks

    If you still can't login, then the problem is somewhere deeper.

  4. Ranjith reporter


    Tried resetting the password, still its not working. It simply returning the same login page without any error

  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I don't know what you have set for zimbra. Try to undo it, then try to login to see if your change is related to the issue.

  6. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Let me look around on this host. Find me on skype (janos.suto) to discuss the details.

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