Message Failed Verification

Issue #876 resolved
Christian Röser created an issue


I just installed mailpiler and ran into a problem. Some messages can't be verified, pilerget says that he can not open /var/piler/store/00/5a7/5b/91/400000005a7849193843251400a2f1cc5b91.a0. This error is thrown on different messages that can't be verified. As far as I can tell it seems to be the attachment of the first message piler recieved - a logo from my signature.

Piler gets its messages through journaling from a Exchange 2013 server.

Thanks, Christian

Comments (5)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Unfortunately I managed to introduce a bug during a refactoring. The fix is to edit src/attachment.c, and locate the following line (around the 109th line):

    sql.sql[sql.pos] = (char *)&id; sql.type[sql.pos] = TYPE_LONG; sql.len[sql.pos] = sizeof(int); sql.pos++;

    Then remove the ampersend (&) character:

    sql.sql[sql.pos] = (char *)id; sql.type[sql.pos] = TYPE_LONG; sql.len[sql.pos] = sizeof(int); sql.pos++;

    Then recompile, and check the gui again if the problem is gone. I'll compiler a hotfix release 1.3.3 to address the issue. Fortunately it affects retrieving emails from the archive only.

    Let me know if the fix works for you.

  2. Christian Röser reporter

    That was a really quick response! Made the changes and removed my quick and dirty fix ;) (made a copy of the existing a1 file and renamed it to a0). It seems to work fine, the messages are now marked as verified.

    Thank you very much!

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