Report Emails

Issue #877 resolved
Jeferson Gomes created an issue

Hello everyone, in first off the mailpiler it is really amazing thanks for that.

I have some problem to configure emails report I never received them. But, I don't know if I configure that , I need received and send emails by users or another type , it is possible ? My OS is a Centos 7 , if anyone can help me I will appreciate, and , I am sorry my English is not good.

Comments (5)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Hello Jeferson, do you refer to the daily email reports? Also check the value of ADMIN_EMAIL, because the email should go to this address. And finally check if SMARTHOST is set to a proper value of your smarthost which will relay the message for you (piler won't).

  2. Jeferson Gomes reporter

    Hello dear, thank so much, is the daily report , and this config where is located ? In my directory eg : //var/www/piler ? Thank you .

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Located the file called config-site.php as this should contain all site-specific settings. Btw. please don't call me 'dear'. My name is just fine.

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