Data Guardian

Issue #88 closed
UxBoD created an issue

Would like propose an enhancement for a new role within Piler called a "Data Guardian" (DG). This is a user(s)/department whose role constitutes the validation of search queries made by an auditor. They should not have search capabilities but the ability to view the audit log and opt-in on whether each time a search is performed by an auditor an email is sent to them. It would be very useful if when performing a search, as an auditor, there was an additional field for annotating why it needed to be actioned. This could then be part of the email sent to the DG.

Comments (5)

  1. UxBoD reporter

    Yes, I believe that would be a very good addition. From personal experience, for example HR asks for a search, in a previous system one was able to annotate the search with a reference/remark. Then the Data Guardian, as an impartial entity, would be able to see whom performed the search and under what conditions/signoff it was performed.

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