pilerimport | invalid message, hdr_len: 0

Issue #882 closed
Vo Ta created an issue


Just a small note for anyone running into the same problem:

I was importing a few million EML-files (from a mounted SMB-share) to a new piler installation(v1.3.1) last week and came accross an import-error on just a few hundreds of them. I then checked this mails and noticed that the header of this messages contains an attribute called "X-MS-Exchange-Forest-IndexAgent".

This attibutes consits of a few thousend lines (looks like BASE64 encoded stuff, but i guess it isn't)

Long story short, importing this emails result in an import error with the message: invalid message, hdr_len: 0

I then checked the code and it seems the error occures in a function called make_digest in ./src/digest.c (line 39) with my little C-Knowledge i managed to solve the import error by increasing the size of the buf-variable to REALLYBIGBUFSIZE :)

Thank you for your great work on piler!

Comments (5)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Can you send me such an email (a non sensitive one probably) as a sample? I'd test it with the current build.

  2. Janos SUTO repo owner

    You are right. Probably it's time to get glasses :-) Anyway I've checked with the latest build of piler, and apparently the output looked fine.

  3. Vo Ta reporter

    OK - great! Thanks for checking. I didn't setup any new piler-instance since march - if the issue reoccures I'll leave a message here :)

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