metadata table full error when upgrading from 1.1.1 to 1.2.0

Issue #883 invalid
Greg Wurst created an issue

I attempted to upgrade our Piler 1.1.1 VM over the weekend to 1.2.0. I wasn't totally clear on the upgrade steps, but it seems like you just followed the install steps and not do the post-install steps unless I am mistaken:

tar zxvf piler-1.2.0.tar.gz
cd piler-1.2.0
./configure \
        --localstatedir=/var \
        --with-database=mysql \

su -c 'make install'

I then followed the steps in the upgrade section. I moved the config files to the new location in /usr/local/etc/piler and then ran the listed sql script:

mysql -u piler -p piler < util/db-upgrade-1.1.0-vs-1.2.0.sql

It ran for a bit and then gave the following error:

ERROR 1114 (HY000) at line 11: The table 'metadata' is full

Any ideas?


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