How to Update

Issue #890 resolved
Thomas Helmrich created an issue


i wonder what Steps are necessary to update piler in a secure way? For example: I saw some Folder changes in the Makefile in 1.3.3., updates in CronSettings etc. How to get to know to apply this?

Thanks, Thomas

Comments (12)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    OK, the upgrade should be relatively easy from 1.3.2 to 1.3.4. There was a schema update to handle invalid utf8 sequences.

    So I recommend you to stop piler, upgrade the binaries and the webui folder content.

    Then update the sql schema:

    alter table sph_index change column `from` `from` tinyblob default null;
    alter table metadata change column `from` `from` varchar(255) not null;
    alter table metadata change column `fromdomain` `fromdomain` varchar(255) not null;
    alter table metadata change column `message_id` `message_id` varchar(255) not null;
    alter table attachment change column `name` `name` tinyblob default null;

    There are some minor changes to the piler cron jobs;

    added 2 new:

    */5 * * * * /usr/bin/find /var/piler/error -type f|wc -l > /var/piler/stat/error
    3 * * * * /usr/local/libexec/piler/

    and removed the attachment indexing since it might cause issues for large attachment tables.

    Then start piler, and you should be fine.

  2. Thomas Helmrich reporter


    So I recommend you to stop piler, upgrade the binaries and the webui folder content.

    Whats the best way to upgrade the binaries?

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    By running the configure script with the same parameters, then run make clean all, and make install at the end. It's worth to backup the configuration of piler (usually the /usr/local/etc/piler directory)

  4. antikilahdjs

    Hi Janos, yesterday I tried update the mailpiler from 1.3.1 to the latest version ( 1.3.4 ) but I don't know but not work for me . I ran the alter table and move all content from webui to my directory but the version continue in the same version 1.3.1 . Now, you post the last message and I need run the make clean all and make install ? This won't affect my configs ? Thanks a lot.

  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    The reason is that you skipped compiling and updating the binaries. Run 'piler -V' to figure out the configure options you used the last time. Use them again, and compile piler. Then stop piler daemons, save your piler configs (just to be sure), then run 'make install' in the top level source directory. Then run piler -V again, and verify that you have the latest version. FInally start piler daemons, and you should be fine.

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