Interface just shows / search Mails from today

Issue #899 closed
Thomas Helmrich created an issue

I recognized an issue today:

Default behaviour was if i hit search on the blank in put, it shows me all mails. Now it just shows me the mails from current day. Also if i use the search function, just mails from today (or no results) are shown.

If i login into admin, the last indexed and amount of emails seems good.

What could it be?


Comments (16)

  1. Thomas Helmrich reporter

    Found the entry in FAQ. Default sphinx wasn´t started. On reindex this appears:

    failed to add to sph_index table: 446.eml

  2. Janos SUTO repo owner

    It's still the default behaviour, it hasn't changed. I suspect that your sphinx index data might have changed. Check if main1 index has older references as well:

    $ mysql -h -P9306
    mysql> select * from main1;

    and you should see values in id column from 1 to 20.

  3. Thomas Helmrich reporter

    i see 20 rows, but no values from 1 to 20:

    MySQL [(none)]> select * from main1;
    | id      | sent       | size   | attachments |
    | 2773482 | 1523916104 |  32238 |           0 |
    | 2773483 | 1523916199 | 281524 |           1 |
    | 2773484 | 1523916421 | 810910 |           1 |
    | 2773485 | 1523916606 |   2996 |           0 |
    | 2773486 | 1523917321 | 810628 |           1 |
    | 2773487 | 1523917986 |   1629 |           0 |
    | 2773488 | 1523917986 |   2005 |           0 |
    | 2773489 | 1523918216 |  12749 |           0 |
    | 2773490 | 1523918221 | 810909 |           1 |
    | 2773491 | 1523918334 |   1907 |           0 |
    | 2773492 | 1523918334 |   1554 |           0 |
    | 2773493 | 1523919072 |  18606 |           0 |
    | 2773494 | 1523919072 |  19055 |           0 |
    | 2773495 | 1523919092 |  12756 |           0 |
    | 2773496 | 1523919122 | 810667 |           1 |
    | 2773497 | 1523919870 |  12754 |           0 |
    | 2773498 | 1523919841 |   1712 |           0 |
    | 2773499 | 1523919841 |   2091 |           0 |
    | 2773500 | 1523920021 | 810667 |           1 |
    | 2773501 | 1523920145 |   2067 |           0 |
  4. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Something has initialized (=destroyed) your main index file by running 'indexer --all' command. You should find it, and disable it. When you have done it, then you have to reindex all your emails.

  5. Thomas Helmrich reporter

    I had to rebuild piler (upgraded to stretch) and maybe the postinstall indexer did it? Have nothing other in my /usr /etc or /var where 'indexer --all" appears.

    Does i reindex with the folliwing?

    cd /tmp
    reindex -a

    It throws a lot of

    failed to add to sph_index table: 655774.eml
  6. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Yes, that should do the reindexing. The 'failed to add' message indicates that it couldn't insert an entry to sph_index table. Probably because it already exists or a problem with the sql query. Check the mail logs if there's any mysql related error.

  7. Thomas Helmrich reporter

    There are messages like this:

    Apr 17 15:54:58 host reindex[22493]: ERROR: 40000000585bc12b033c839c00059f8d7258: mysql_stmt_execute() 'Incorrect string value: '\xFCr Cro...' for column 'body' at row 1' (errno: 1366)
    Apr 17 15:54:58 host reindex[22493]: ERROR: 40000000585bc12b033c839c00059f8d7258 failed to store index data for id=8032, sql_errno=1366
    Apr 17 15:54:58 host reindex[22493]: ERROR: 40000000585bc12c0673e8ac00346d3649d4: mysql_stmt_execute() 'Data too long for column 'body' at row 1' (errno: 1406)
    Apr 17 15:54:58 host reindex[22493]: ERROR: 40000000585bc12c0673e8ac00346d3649d4 failed to store index data for id=8082, sql_errno=1406

    Is this fixable?

  8. Janos SUTO repo owner

    \xFCr might be an invalid utf8 sequence. Assuming that sph_index table is set to use utf8mb4, you may need to alter the body column to be mediumblob.

  9. Thomas Helmrich reporter

    Regarding Ticket #709 what is linked in upgrade guide it should be set:

    ALTER TABLE piler.sph_index CHANGE body body TEXT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4, COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;

    Maybe that should be corrected?

  10. Janos SUTO repo owner

    probably, or perhaps

    ALTER TABLE sph_index CHANGE COLUMN body body MEDIUMBLOB default NULL;

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