Pilerimport doesn't seem to respect the recipients expansion on journaled messages

Issue #923 closed
Nick Panno created an issue


During a test migration from a commercial product; the commercial product exports the emails that have the Exchange journaling envelope around them. It looks like the pilerimport tool doesn't respect these messages because group expansion is not taking place so the To address is sometimes the group email address, and some are just a Name (for recipients in exchange) without an address. Although in the RECIPIENTS: header for the journaled message, it looks ok and groups are broken out.

Comments (9)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Could you send me such a email (a non sensitive perhaps) to my address (or share it some way)?

  2. Nick Panno reporter

    Example attached, I changed a few email addresses inside of it, just so some a spam bot can't pick it up and parse for addresses.

  3. Nick Panno reporter

    We are considering purchasing a commercial license, if we can get this one little issue fixed. Do you have an address to discuss pricing for our scenario offline?

  4. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I'd like you to run pilertest against this message, and show me the result. Be sure to use the formatting options of bitbucket.

  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Hopefully the issue is solved by now (with the commercial edition). Let me know if the problem persists.

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