I cannot find a way to restore (or bulk restore) folderwise to a mailbox?

Issue #939 closed
Kristo Kristatos created an issue

Suppose I have a mailbox folder INBOX/projects/2018002. I cannot find a way to restore this folder to the same strcture? I think this is vital for most users.

Comments (8)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    You ask a difficult thing. Normally piler receives the email via smtp protocol. The smtp protocol has no concept of folders, so piler can't figure out in which folder the email has landed eventually. Unless the folder info is available at smtp time, piler won't be able to do that.

    However, if you have some rules sorting to folders, they should work for even restored messages as well.

  2. Kristo Kristatos reporter

    Would it be possible to embed the folder path into the x-header before sending the mail to piler, and to evaluate the header information somehow when re-importing? We use a Univention server - whaat would you say would be the preferred way to send mails to piler?

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    It depends on what your mail server is able to do. If it can add the relevant info in an x-... header, then it might be possible for piler to use this info.

    However, there are a few issues: what if

    • the user moves the email to a different folder?
    • the user renames the folder?

    So I still suggest that some folder sorting rules are your best bet that move new emails to the appropriate folder.

    Btw. note that reimporting is not supported.

  4. Kristo Kristatos reporter

    Well I imagine the "user moves the mail" problem could be solved sending the mail to the server every time the user moves the mail. I read that piler recognizes dupe mail and so that should work.

    Reimport? I read that mails can be restored? And I thought this is possible somehow. Or do you mean something else with 'reimporting'?

  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    "Well I imagine the "user moves the mail" problem could be solved sending the mail to the server every time the user moves the mail"

    I don't think it's a good idea, also I doubt that the user will send the email to fix the imap folder path.

    The idea of archiving emails is to keep them in an unchangable format, including their metadata. So after an email is archived a dupiicate would be discarded. The only thing piler does in such case is to check if the recipient list of the given email should be updated. Anyway, the idea of reimporting is not (and should not be) supported.

    So the bottomline is that your idea wouldn't work out, sorry.

  6. Kristo Kristatos reporter

    I'm thoroughly confused now. The website says: "view, export, restore emails". What does "restore" mean then?

    Is there no way a user can get a mail back from the archive into his inbox??

  7. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Now I'm confused too: you were talking about REIMPORTING (which still doesn't make sense to me), but now you talk about RESTORE - which is a core feature from pretty long ago. I assume restoring the emails work for you, you miss the folderwise stuff only.

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