How to Archive Assign rule

Issue #94 resolved
Ravindra Vishwakarma created an issue

Hello Jsuto,

I have installed MailPiler on local machice, i want to test it from gmail or other mail server. And if i want to test from gmail then how do i assign archive rule for that. And also tell me where do i put Piler server mean as internal server or external. Is there any guide to configure archive and retention rule?

I am using piler-0.1.23 version. Thanks.

Comments (8)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Hello. there's a bunch of docs available on the website, I recommend you to read them. You may find the rules docs at

    Piler is designed to be as flexible as possible, so there're several options to place it. Tell me more about you needs, your environment, etc. and I may help you to find the best place for the archive.

  2. Ravindra Vishwakarma reporter

    Hi, Thanks for your reply..

    I have mail server with static IP and i want to archive all mail to other Mail Server in different location. Mean, if somehow my mail server goes down then i still get email from other Mail server.


  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    OK, then please compile piler with tcpwrappers and starttls support (see the install docs), thus you can encrypt the mail traffic between your smtp server and piler, and you can limit access to piler smtp with tcpwrappers.

    I strongly recommend to use https for the gui, since your users will access it over the Internet. You also limit access by using the conventional apache .htaccess feature specifying IP-address ranges where your users are (it your environment allows this).

    Btw. (just curious) what language does piler archive? Are messages displayed properly on the gui?

  4. Ravindra Vishwakarma reporter

    Thanks for your reply..

    I will do as you said, but currently i have not configured any user on it. so none message is just now displayed.


  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    And yet another question: how will piler authenticate your users? Where's the user database? Piler can authenticate users from its own local database (requires you much manual work to add users), using an AD / LDAP directory or even against an IMAP server, see the docs for more. It's mandatory that the authentication is done securely (eg. over an encrypted channel, eg. ldap over ssl, etc.)

  6. Janos SUTO repo owner

    ok, in this case I recommend to use ldap over ssl (aka ldaps, port 636). Let me know how things are going for you.

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