Replace Sphinx with Elasic Search Fulltext

Issue #942 closed
Karsten Bandlow created an issue

It would be nice, to change the Fulltextengine to Elasic search. Because its a schema free structure. Has a nice JSON interface. And strong features to size the cluster (shards). Additionally a very big community to support problems.

Comments (2)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Well, you are right, such a change would indeed be a major one. And a painful one, as the search engine is at the core of piler. For starters, I think it would be difficult for the some piler admins with little Linux skills to make the conversation.

    I'm not sure about the real reason why I needed to replace such a core component. Your reasoning has some interesting stuff, but I don't see them as the real deal that would justify such a huge job. Not to mention the consequences. I mean the schema-free structure might be a nice thing, but I believe it has little value to piler, since its schema hasn't changed in the past much. Also I don't see how JSON would improve anything, and I prefer the mysql compatible interface of sphinx. Sphinx also has a helpful community. Last, but not least you may also implement sharding with sphinx.

    So at the moment I don't feel the urge to replace sphinxsearch by elasticsearch. Especially when I can't see any hard evidence about the viability of such change, eg. how the archive works under load, how the piler community would receive such change, a clear and easy procedure to migrate sphinx data to elasticsearch, etc.

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