sphinx db tables always empty

Issue #945 closed
Sigurd Eckermann created an issue

hello, I installed and configured piler 1.3.4 and shpinx 2.3.2. Mysql, rc.piler and rc.searchd services are running. The folder /var/piler/sphinx contains all of the index files, the piler database is accessible and filled with first indexed emails per pilerimport. The web interface shows the indexed records ( 326 ) in the statusmonitor. All seems to be working - but the sphinx database tables are always empty. I tried all I found in the docs and what others tried - but no success.

I tryed to complete reset the index:

/etc/init.d/rc.searchd stop

rm -rf /var/piler/sphinx/*

su piler

indexer --config /usr/local/etc/piler/sphinx.conf --all

/etc/init.d/rc.searchd start



mysql -h -P 9306

mysql select * from main1,dailydelta1,delta1;

-> always empty

I tryed to run all the commands from the crontab ... they are all running without any error.

There is no error message and I don't know why are the sphinx tables empty??

All the other parts seems to be working fine.

Hope somebody can help me! John

Comments (5)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    You say that the gui shows you the records. It means it can read sphinx data from somewhere. Check the sphinx query in the mail log, and see where it reads data from.

  2. Sigurd Eckermann reporter


    there are only the statistics - the messages itself are missing in the gui - the search page is empty,

    How can I activate the logwriting? In the gui log folder there is only a lock file. I also tryed to set the logging mode to debug but there will be no logfile generated.

    Thank you for assisting me with my problem.

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Well, both the piler binaries and the gui use syslog to write its entries to the mail log. Also I'd like to see the ls -la /var/piler/sphinx output (be sure to use bitbucket formatting features!).

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