retention/purge not removing messages

Issue #946 closed
Kris Kirkland created an issue

Messages with the proper retention date are not being purged when the utility is being ran. The messaging I'm testing with was received 06/09 and should have been retained for 90 days and deleted on 09/07. In the database it shows; arrived: 1528523872 sent: 1528523618 retained: 1749448672 deleted: 0 spam: 0

pilertest for the email shows the retention period to be 90 days. runs with no output.

Comments (3)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Based on the retained value in the database, the message has the default (7 years) retention time applied. I suggest to retrieve this message from the archive (look at the piler_id column) and run pilertest against it, then check the retention time it prints. If it's not what you expected, then you need to revise your retention rules.

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