multiple from possible?

Issue #955 closed
d tbsky created an issue

I am trying to handle postfix alias/bcc problems. with piler rcpt table multiple receivers can be recorded.

but now I am facing another kind of situation:

outside user ( -> postfix alias ( -> forward to another outside user (

I don't know what postfix bcc parameter can be used to give piler information about "".

and in theory the mail has two session: from> from ->

I don't know if it is important/possible to record the information? or just

from ->, should be good enough?

Comments (7)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I'm not sure if I understand the problem, but your statement in the last line should be fine. Anyway I suggest to try it for yourself.

  2. d tbsky reporter

    the problem is one mail may travel in the mail system and re-send to many receivers.

    A -> B -> C -> D

    in current piler, the best it can record I think is A -> B,C,D in reality we may want to see who really send the mail. (A didn't know C,D will receive the A should not responsible for it)

    in reality it should be:




  3. d tbsky reporter

    piler don't like duplicate mails. the best piler can do is add the receiver to rcpt table. but there is no extra from table in piler database schema. so the same mail with different from is not possible for piler currently.

    and I can not find a way for postfix to feed the information. "always_bcc","recipient_bcc_maps","sender_bcc_maps" only trigger when mail hit postfix at first time. they won't trigger again when more mails generated from postfix internal.

    unless I wrote a filter to capture the information for postfix I think. but it seems too much overhead. I would like to do it in the future if piler can handle these information.

  4. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Well, yes, it's a tricky setup. Piler wouldn't store the same email twice as long as the message-id is the same. The current metadata schema relies on the fact that the given email can be sent by a single person/entity/whatever only.

    However, consider this: even if the email is forwarded by let's say a sieve rule, it's still the same email. The sender is still A (and not B or C).

    If you wrote a postfix filter, then try fixing the message-id + make sure piler sees the proper From and To/Cc addresses, or forward it as an rfc822 attachment.

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