only current day 2684 mails are available in GUI where as the total mails received are 542200

Issue #956 closed
VIJAY NAVALE created an issue

please refer the image below where total mails received are 54200 but auditor can view only 2684 mails please help



mysql db is also attached


Comments (8)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I'm not sure what this mysql output represents, but for starters I'd check the sphinx index data. I believe you don't have everything indexed. Start with ls -la /var/piler/sphinx and check if the index size is proportional with your with your archive size.

  2. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Please format the ls output. For the reindexing, please check out both the docs and the FAQ.

  3. VIJAY NAVALE reporter

    actually i had already followed the process as mentioned below:- stop su - piler indexer --all exit start

    But even after that I am not getting all the mails when logged in as a auditor

    please help

  4. Janos SUTO repo owner

    What on Earth are you doing? Let me copy-paste what I referred for your convenience. Can you find any reference for running indexer --all? I can't.

    I can see only today's emails in the archive and not any single previous emails.

    Some Linux distributions (notably Debian and Ubuntu) have a daily cron job to reindex everything. Unfortunately this ruins the sphinx index files piler relies on. However the older emails are not lost you still have them, they are just disappeared from the sphinx index. To bring them back, perform the following steps.

    1. Edit /etc/default/sphinxsearch, and set START=“no”.

    I recommend you to use the piler shipped init.d/rc.searchd script to start searchd. You may call it from /etc/rc.local. (Note that it starts it as user piler, so make sure /var/piler/sphinx has proper ownership.)

    1. Reindex old emails. After that older emails should appear after the next indexing is done.

    cd /tmp reindex -a


    Recreate sphinx data


    This is a troubleshooting task, use it only when you have to or you are advised to rebuild the sphinx index from scratch.

    Piler relies heavily on the sphinx index data. The reindex utility is for healing it if anything goes wrong.

    The reindex utility reads data from the metadata table, then retrieves the files from the /var/piler/store directory. Then it parses them again, and puts data to be indexed to the sph_index table, so the sphinx indexer utility can reindex these messages.


    reindex -f <from id> -t <to id> -a [-p]

    -f: start from index

    -t: end with index

    -a: reindex all records

    -p: display processed/all records counters

    So the following command will get all messages with metadata table id between 1 and 1000.

    reindex -f 1 -t 1000

    Reindex all records:

    reindex -a

    If you need to reindex lots of email then I recommend you to disable the cron entries for the indexer process and run the following commands manually:

    /usr/local/libexec/piler/ /usr/local/libexec/piler/

    When you are done enable the cron entries again.

    Before running reindex, please change to a directory where the piler user has read and write permissions.

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