Multiple instances of MailPiler

Issue #98 resolved
Former user created an issue


We are looking at MailPiler from a service provider prospective. I am wondering whether or not it is possible to run multiple instances (so an instance for each client) on a single machine.

Many Thanks


Comments (2)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Hello Jay,

    piler doesn't support "instances" in a way that you can create and manage a distinct process group for a given customer.

    However it's possible to use piler as a saas solution. It supports separating customers based on their domain name (and auditors can be restricted to the given customer's domain(s)). This way everyone uses a single piler installation, yet everone can see, access his own emails only.

    I also work on an multitenancy feature where the database scheme is extended by a customer column. It should be a number between 1-255 per customer (it limits a single piler installation to support <=255 customers), and it's based on the email address where piler receives the email. It might be a more robust solution to separate customers. Note that the piler daemon already supports this feature, but it's note introduced to the gui yet.

    It's also a saas friendly feature that piler supports a server_id variable which enables the gui (=a usual lamp installation) to combine multiple piler hosts to a single view. The piler daemon already supports it, however the gui is not prepared to do so yet.

    So in a nutshell: yes, it's possible (even though it requires some additional work on the gui). Tell me more about your environment (either here or sending to my email, see the LICENCE file in the source tree), your needs, and I think we can make it.

  2. Janos SUTO repo owner

    saas is a prospective way using piler. If you need assistance then please contact me. Until then the issue is resolved.

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