Missing "restore" icon on search result page

Issue #981 closed
Zhang Huangbin created an issue
  • Piler-1.3.4

Try to search some string and it returns some messages, but the restore icon doesn't appear. Please check screenshot here: https://postimg.cc/p91xqzN4

Comments (11)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Did you set the SMARTHOST variable in config-site.php? Or set ENABLE_IMAP_AUTH to 1, if you use imap authentication.

  2. Zhang Huangbin reporter

    I have ENABLE_IMAP_AUTH=1 in config-site.php:

    $config['ENABLE_IMAP_AUTH'] = 1;
    $config['IMAP_HOST'] = '';
    $config['IMAP_PORT'] =  '993';
    $config['IMAP_SSL'] = True;
    • On piler server, there's no any log of this restore behaviour (piler, piler-smtp, piler-web).
    • On destination IMAP server, there's no any log of new IMAP connnection, seems piler didn't connect to IMAP server at all.

    Tried with IMAP_SSL=false and imap port 143 (starttls is forced on destination server), no any log in both piler server or destination imap server.

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Show me "grep config-site.php /var/piler/www/config.php " output, please. Also try setting $config['SMARTHOST'] = ''; and see if it improves anything.

  4. Zhang Huangbin reporter
    # grep config-site.php /opt/www/piler/config.php
     * variable to be overridden in config-site.php
    require_once 'config-site.php';


    grep 'SMARTHOST' /opt/www/piler/config.php 
    $config['SMARTHOST'] = '';
    $config['SMARTHOST_PORT'] = 25;
       $health_smtp_servers = array( array(PILER_HOST, PILER_PORT, "piler"), array(SMARTHOST, SMARTHOST_PORT, "smarthost") );

    Mail server has piler server whitelisted in "mynetworks" (Postfix).

  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Odd. Site specific settings should go to config-site.php and not config.php, since anything in config-site.php overrides the settings in config.php. Anyway I can't reproduce the problem. I have set the SMARTHOST variable, and I can see the restore link in the preview pane, and restore image next to the "With selected" text.

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