Search for email regarding groups or alias

Issue #990 closed
malvivent7 created an issue

Hi Janos, thankyou for your great job, i have a question; if i login in the webui for searching emails with my email account how can i retrieve also emails sent or received by group or alias pointing to my real email?

example my email is and i am a member of the how can i retrieve emails also for and not only for Thanks in advance.

Comments (2)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Hello, I can see 2 options:

    a) you have ldap, AD or similar user authentication. In this case your group membership is known to the ldap server. All you have to do is to set the ldap mail and group attributes in piler config, then the gui should recognize that you should see tech-group@ emails as well

    b) as administrator in the piler gui create a group. Then set tech-group@ address that you want to read to the assigned email addresses, and add yourself to the email addresses text area.

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