Problem with download as PDF

Issue #994 resolved
Grzegorz created an issue

Hi. In error log I have two errors with PDF

[Mon Jun 24 09:50:39.652440 2019] [:error] [pid 22136] [client] PHP Notice: Use of undefined constant ENABLE_PDF_DOWNLOAD - assumed ‘ENABLE_PDF_DOWNLOAD’ in /var/piler/www/view/theme/default/templates/message/view.tpl on line 26, referer:
[Mon Jun 24 09:50:51.119085 2019] [:error] [pid 22137] [client] PHP Notice: Use of undefined constant WKHTMLTOPDF_COMMAND - assumed ‘WKHTMLTOPDF_COMMAND’ in /var/piler/www/controller/message/pdf.php on line 61, referer:

I think there are no entries in config.php. How should they look like?

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