Adding/removing members to already created teams

Issue #158 new
Former user created an issue

It does not seem to be possible to add/remove members to an already created team

Comments (3)

  1. Rikard Nordgren

    I would like to increase the priority of this issue. In Uppsala we are trying to work together in groups when uploading models and it is important to be able to add and remove members in already created teams. Please consider adding this feature.

  2. Mihai GlonČ›

    This feature has been supported for some time in the codebase, but has not been updated to reflect the changes.

    The current implementation acts like an alias for a group of users in the sense that it does not automatically modify access rights on models already shared with the team.

    So if you add a person to the team and then share a new model with the team, the new person will see the new model, but not any of the previous ones. To grant them access to the models already shared with the team, one would need to re-share the model with the team.

    Does this help?

  3. Rikard Nordgren

    I am afraid that this is not the expected behaviour. What the users need is that an added user will immediately share what the group is sharing. Imagine for example a research group or a team at a pharma company working together on say diabetes models. The group has a number of models shared in the database. A new PhD-student or employee joins the team and the team wants to share all models with this new person. The preferred way of doing this would be to simply add this person to the team.

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