distribution parameters not displayed

Issue #163 new
maciekjswat created an issue

The Parameter Model section displays <RandomVariable> as e.g. ETA_KA∼N(0.0,OMEGA_KA) — indiv

However, for a random variables it is not clear from this representation what OMEGA_KA is. E.g. in this case of a normal distributed parameter, it can be either - 'stddev' - standard deviation or - 'variance' - variance.

In general, regardless of the distribution, the parameter names have to be displayed. In the above example, it would be

ETA_KA∼N(mean=0.0,stddev=OMEGA_KA) — indiv

which can be read out directly from the definition of the random variable, e.g.

            <RandomVariable symbId="ETA_KA">
                    <ct:SymbRef blkIdRef="modelVar" symbIdRef="indiv"/>
                <NormalDistribution xmlns="http://www.uncertml.org/3.0" definition="http://www.uncertml.org/distributions/normal">
                        <var varId="OMEGA_KA"/>

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