Submitted models get doubled

Issue #189 new
Rikard Nordgren created an issue

Today the Uppsala team uploaded a lot of models to and most (but not all) of them got duplicated in the list of models for no apparent reason.

Comments (2)

  1. Mihai GlonČ›

    The browse page shows the most recent version of the models available to the user. If a user edits the model name or description during the submission process, we actually record two revisions -- one with the original files and another in which the submitted files are updated with the new name/description. This is for both transparency/compliance and for added safety.

    The problem was when a model's two latest revisions were submitted in the same second we would treat both as the latest version, which was causing the model to appear twice, even though there was no duplication in the backend. This has now been fixed.

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