Add NMTRAN to known formats

Issue #197 new
Rikard Nordgren created an issue

It would be nice if the format of models submitted only in NMTRAN format could be recognized in the format column of "Browse". As it is now allowed to upload NMTRAN only models this would be a nice feature. It is quite easy to automatically detect NMTRAN files by for example looking for $PROBLEM first on a line.

Comments (2)

  1. Mihai GlonČ›

    Hi Rikard,

    I agree that showing 'unknown format' is not very informative for the user and that 'unsupported format' may be a better choice of wording.

    Beyond the technical discussion around how we detect formats there is the question of what a supported format means for the platform. True support, in my view, would entail validation, conversion to other formats, user-friendly rendering, and potentially execution, and we don't envision that we would be able to achieve this for a proprietary format like NMTRAN.

  2. Rikard Nordgren reporter

    Hi Mihai,

    I still think that it would be better to be able to detect and view the format even if it is a target format. It is currently a bit boring that the model browse list says "Unknown format" or even "Unsupported format". Especially given that it is now ok to upload target code. It is quite easy to identify a NONMEM file. It has one line somewhere in the file starting with "$PROB".

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