DOI is not working when uploading a model

Issue #199 new
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Hej! I just uploaded a model which has been published in a journal. I tried to use the DOI number, but then I did not obtain the information about the publication. I changed to PubMED ID number and then it worked.

I think it would be very good if DOI worked since all models are not included in PubMED.

Best regards, Siv Jonsson, Uppsala University

Comments (1)

  1. Mihai GlonČ›

    Hi Siv,

    Thanks for the feedback!

    We use an external resource to fetch information about publications based on the identifiers users provide. That service seems a lot better at retrieving information from PubMed IDs than DOIs -- this could also stem from the fact that PubMed has richer metadata.

    If you can provide the DOI/PubMed ID for the paper in question, I'm happy to have a look to see if this is a bug, but otherwise I would consider this to be a limitation of a part of the system that we don't have much control over.

    We try to warn the user about this in a paragraph above the textbox for the publication id -- perhaps this is not obvious enough.

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