Misspelling in required filename in submission instructions

Issue #208 resolved
Rikard Nordgren created an issue

A user at Uppsala tried to publish a model with accommodations thus adding the file Model_Accomodations.txt. Still the repository gave the error message: Model is not compliant with original publication. Please provide a Model_Accommodations.txt file.

Comments (11)

  1. Mihai Glonț

    Is there a typo or is the file named 'Model_Accomodations.txt' instead of 'Model_Accommodations.txt'? We are looking for exact matches.

  2. Rikard Nordgren reporter

    We made sure that there was no typo by copying the name from the tab with the submit guidelines.

  3. Mihai Glonț

    It's difficult to tell without looking at the model what the issue is. What is the model identifier?

  4. Rikard Nordgren reporter

    A related question: When searching the source code for this validation I can find the call to validModelAccomodation() but not the actual function. Where can I find it?

  5. Mihai Glonț

    The file name must be Model_Accommodations.txt (with double "m"). There is a typo in the submission guidelines!

  6. Rikard Nordgren reporter

    Great! Thanks Mihai you have been very helpful. I suggest that this ticket is kept open until the typo has been corrected.

  7. Mihai Glonț

    okay, but if you don't mind, please update the title of the issue accordingly ;)

    thanks for the feedback!

  8. Rikard Nordgren reporter

    This has been resolved in the code and should be set as resolved. Upgrading the specific instance is of course unrelated. Sorry for asking you to keep this open.

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