Fields hidden with conditional logic aren't populated.

Issue #22 closed
Robby Emmert created an issue

Fields that are hidden with Gravity Forms' conditional logic are not populated until they appear. The effect is that if a field happens to be hidden at the time of form submission, even if that field has a value, a blank value is sent to the database, overwriting anything that was in that field.

Notes from testing:

  • Fields do populate if the field is made visible.

  • Fields are blanked out again if the field is made invisible again.

  • I've only tested it with text fields and file uploads. This issue does not affect file uploads, but does affect text fields.

Comments (4)

  1. Robby Emmert reporter

    Actually, it looks like the post data for file uploads are blank too, but for some reason file uploads still display later.

  2. Jacob Snyder repo owner

    I am not seeing anything weird here. Given this form:

    Checkboxes _ option 1 _ option 2 _ option 3

    Textfield _______

    Where "Textfield" only shows up if "option 2" is selected under "Checkboxes", it works as it should for me. If I only choose "option 1", Textfield hides and its value is erased. If I choose "option 2", Textfield reappears and I can add a value that is then saved and shows up next time I go to edit.

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