edit_link only works for posts in draft mode

Issue #25 resolved
Cantus Firmus created an issue

Attempting to follow your directions, for accomplishing a URL query variable, the edit link only appears in cases where the post is in draft mode. Otherwise, I get an empty string.

Here is my attempt:

do_action('gform_update_post/edit_link', array(
                'post_id' => $post->ID,
                'url'     => home_url('/update-score-info/'),
                'text' => $qMyScores->post->post_title
) );

In my test scenario, I am logged in as an author wishing to edit my own post. I should be able to do so whether in draft or published status. I don't know if it's a bug or something I'm not doing right.

Comments (2)

  1. Cantus Firmus reporter

    Apologies. This is not an issue with this plugin. It's a role/capabilities issue on my end.

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