Max Length needed for poorly designed sites

Issue #6 new
Former user created an issue

I love this system and use it regularly for password generation. Unfortunately often run into badly designed sites that can not accept a CHBS generated password from this site. Some can't accept numbers or special characters (those are easy to resolve with the features of the product). However, some have maximum password limits.

While it may be fair to suggest I should use any such site, real life often doesn't work that way. So I have to lower the world count and hope I can get a password under their maximum size rules (experience has shown this to often be 20 characters).

Note this is not a problem for quality sites (the Amazon's, Microsoft's and Google's of the world) but I do run into it on other sites.

I need a way to solve this for those lesser sites that have length limits on passwords.

It would be nice if I could specify a Max (along with the Min) password length for the generator so I can easily interact with such sites.

Clarified request:

Ad a filter for the password generator to limit the Max size of the password generated so that we can comply with sites that have these requirements.

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