Bots suicide

Issue #6 resolved
Geoff Joy created an issue

Bots suicide on spawn or otherwise get fragged instantly on spawn after 2nd or third level change. Initial map always seems to be OK and if the server is commanded to the same map the bots respawn correctly.

Using map command instead of gamemap or mapvote causes the bots to spawn correctly. This indicates a possible cause: the bots need to be completely disconnected and re-instantiated on every level change.

Work-around: set sv_allow_map 1, use rcon map command to change level.

Comments (2)

  1. Geoff Joy reporter

    There seem to be two modes to spawn-death. 1. Spawn inside wall. Silent death and respawn, always 10 times in a row, then cycle is broken. 2. Spawn and get crushed, MOD_CRUSH.

    This suggests a flaw in SelectSpawnPoint or supporting functions.

  2. Geoff Joy reporter

    Bots now spawn correctly without lerping across the maps. They spawn at the proper found spawnpoints. Occasional wall-spawns might be observed but they silently kill and respawn in a new location without penalty.

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