
Clone wiki

PSBox / Common_Questions

##Can't I just use the Box REST API directly?## Sure, that's what I did. There isn't anything earth shattering in what I did. I just found that it was a little easier to abstract out the actual REST API calls from my code. They are all actually fairly simple and small, with the exception of a few gotchas I found (like how to get all the groups returned form Box.

##Can I request another cmdlet?## Yes. If you don't see something that you think would be nice to have let me know. Just drop me an email (jeff at or find me on Twitter (@whitwo). View a list of current requests

##I think I found a bug...## If you tried something and it isn't working as expected I'd like to know about it. You can create an issue and view existing issues in the Bitbucket Issue Tracker.

##Do I have to use Active Directory to use PSBox?## No. PSBox doesn't communicate directly with Active Directory in any way, so you can use LDAP, csv files or anything else you can dream up in Powershell.

##How come you don't use ConvertTo-JSON?## I ran into issues when building a string and getting it converted using the ConvertTo-JSON cmdlet. It appears to be isolated nested JSON and related to the way either quotes or new lines are handled. I decided to stick with building JSON by hand for now.

##I'm interested in participating in development. How do I do that?## Give me shout and we'll discuss further. Just drop me an email (jeff at or find me on Twitter (@whitwo).
