
Issue #877 resolved
Kohaku Utakata created an issue



OS:Win10 64bit

Version : 4.0 Beta 3 (64-bit) / 2019-11-06 07:42:31
DateTime: 2019-11-12 22:49:02
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".\cw\content.py", line 4006, in eval
File ".\cw\calculator.py", line 531, in eval
File ".\cw\calculator.py", line 505, in calculate
File ".\cw\calculator.py", line 135, in call
File ".\cw\calculator.py", line 602, in _func_len
File ".\cw\calculator.py", line 568, in _chk_string
cw.calculator.ArgumentIsNotStringException: 0 is not String. Line: 1, Pos: 7

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File ".\cw\thread.py", line 861, in run
File ".\cw\thread.py", line 913, in _run
File ".\cw\thread.py", line 924, in main_loop
File ".\cw\eventhandler.py", line 125, in run
File ".\cw\eventhandler.py", line 825, in executing_event
File ".\cw\thread.py", line 3662, in change_area
File ".\cw\data.py", line 849, in start_event
File ".\cw\event.py", line 621, in start
File ".\cw\event.py", line 842, in start
File ".\cw\event.py", line 902, in run
File ".\cw\event.py", line 1101, in action
File ".\cw\content.py", line 4019, in action
File ".\cw\content.py", line 4009, in eval
File ".\cw\content.py", line 175, in variant_error
AttributeError: 'ArgumentIsNotStringException' object has no attribute 'arg_value'

Comments (4)

  1. Kohaku Utakata reporter


    Version : 4.0 Beta 3 (64-bit) / 2019-11-11 21:31:47
    DateTime: 2019-11-12 22:57:53
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File ".\cw\content.py", line 4006, in eval
    File ".\cw\calculator.py", line 531, in eval
    File ".\cw\calculator.py", line 505, in calculate
    File ".\cw\calculator.py", line 135, in call
    File ".\cw\calculator.py", line 602, in _func_len
    File ".\cw\calculator.py", line 568, in _chk_string
    cw.calculator.ArgumentIsNotStringException: 0 is not String. Line: 1, Pos: 7

    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File ".\cw\thread.py", line 861, in run
    File ".\cw\thread.py", line 913, in _run
    File ".\cw\thread.py", line 924, in main_loop
    File ".\cw\eventhandler.py", line 129, in run
    File ".\cw\eventhandler.py", line 829, in executing_event
    File ".\cw\thread.py", line 3662, in change_area
    File ".\cw\data.py", line 849, in start_event
    File ".\cw\event.py", line 621, in start
    File ".\cw\event.py", line 842, in start
    File ".\cw\event.py", line 902, in run
    File ".\cw\event.py", line 1101, in action
    File ".\cw\content.py", line 4019, in action
    File ".\cw\content.py", line 4009, in eval
    File ".\cw\content.py", line 175, in variant_error
    AttributeError: 'ArgumentIsNotStringException' object has no attribute 'arg_value'

  2. k4nagatsuki repo owner

    pull request #2662


  3. Kohaku Utakata reporter


  4. Log in to comment