- edited description
- marked as minor
asRules.rpart function
Issue #33
In asRules.rpart function, I found, that it might be dependable of specific index:
# Sort rules by probability of second class (usually the last in binary class)
ordered <- rev(sort(frm$yval2[,5], index=TRUE)$ix).
the frame$yvar2
is also a data.frame
which seems to contain all the counts of instances for each class by split, as well as their probabilities. Therefore, if I perform classification on a dataset with 10 classes, it would contain 22 variables in total. Furthermore, the later comment in the code at the same file also indicates that:
# The following [,5] is hardwired and works on one example....
if (rtree)
yval <- frm[i,]$yval
and is also used for probability calculation:
if (! rtree) prob <- frm[i,]$yval2[,5]
So, how is the index 5 selected for calculations? Is it applicable just for specific cases?
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