Cant Create Workspace.

Issue #31 resolved
Former user created an issue

It's not possible to create online workspace.

Comments (9)

  1. Karsten Becker repo owner

    This appears to be a problem with the beta interface. I will investigate that. Please use the non-beta in the mean-time. ( Btw. which browser are you using?


  2. Karsten Becker repo owner

    If you want to use the beta, please use Google Chrome for it. This might "solve" the problem. It is beta, because it uses web components, unfortunately not all browsers are supporting it the way they should. I will update the code nonetheless to make it work again in most other browsers.

  3. Willy

    I'am pretty new to PSHDL and I'am not shure if it's beta or not. The error says: "Workspace reloading failed:404 No such workspace"

    Menu in right upper corner says: UI-Version v0.1.111.20

    I'am usining Chrome, but it was tested on IE and FF.

    update: I just tesated ... and it seems to work fine.

  4. Karsten Becker repo owner

    Try to prefer the non-beta. It is more stable. The Workspace ID is stored in the URL, it's the maybe something modified it to something incorrect. I will check if I can see what happened from the Logs.

  5. Willy

    I can use nonbeta ( using workspace created in

    I think, the problem could be in create workspace dialog. NONBETA ask for email, name, and workspaceID In BETA, the workspaceID is filled with precalculated ID (or whatever it is).

    BTW. Great Work.

  6. Karsten Becker repo owner

    Ah, don't fill anything in the workspace ID field. It is solely for re-opening an existing workspace. So if you for example create a workspace with the beta website, you can write down that ID and always come back to it by entering it there.

  7. Willy

    Ok ... that was stupid ... I didn't read description, and put some random text in workspaceID field. So You can close tth ticket, or maybe lover priority to proposition, and consider change someting in UI to avoid that kind of fail.

  8. Karsten Becker repo owner

    Yeah, it is a "bug" in the non-beta. The beta has this addressed in that it disables the ID field when you enter something at the top.. It also validates the input better. I should start to decide which UI I want to continue :( But good that you are up and running now :)

    Have fun, Karsten

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