
Clone wiki

neutrino / Home

Neutrino wiki - it's all in the code

  • Neutrino Quick Start
  • Taking Neutrino for a Ride
  • Instant Gratification: CSS Manipulation
  • Organization 1: Views
  • Organization 2: Pages
  • Real Power: Dynamics
  • Example 5: Animations
  • Example 6: Code

Welcome to Neutrino:

Neutrino is a framework that simplifies the process of developing HTML5 Web apps while enabling creative developers to separate front-end application prototyping and design from JavaScript and back-end engineering. With Neutrino, creative developers are able to quickly prototype, produce, and deploy engaging interactive experiences using the same code base and development process regardless of the delivery platform. Whether you are deploying as hybrid apps for iOS and Android or as stand-alone Web apps and embedded mini-sites, the development work flow stays the same.

This is a branch from which is the official release. Its update status is unknown.

We are a small group of developers who work(ed) with neutrino and want to streamline and advance its development. You can contact the original developer at (this support is not affiliated with this git repo)
