Aquire money so Rick can invest more time in Kelgar

Issue #4 resolved
Rick H created an issue

I still have too many hats on the project. Here are some approaches to solve this:

  • every member contributes to the site & blog
  • eventually add someone short-term to the team, who manages Beta Testing
  • have more members contributing code: new team members or modding support

As far as it goes with Team Leading and Game Design I can't step back much. I could someone else take my world creation tasks, but that's what motivates me the most.

To push the project closer towards it end, I'd like to work 3 months fulltime on Kelgar. Options:

  • aquire additional savings trough contract work (journalistic)
  • Kickstarter or Patreon, focused at those who would profit from the art and code being open source / free
  • get funding for my commercial game projects (through MDM), so I can spend my savings for Kelgar
  • if everything fails, use only the weekends (development time at least 3 times higher)

Comments (5)

  1. Rick H reporter

    idea: 30 days seem way more tangible and are easy to justify, yet still push the project forward.
    Optionally participation in possible to get extra coverage.
    "30daydev is about spending 30 quality days taking your game development to new levels."

  2. Paul W

    If your planned free time for Kelgar aligns with my semester holidays (mid-February to early April), I could also invest larger amounts of time. During the last few days I also dug a little into the game engine mechanics and found solutions to some seemingly minor but very annoying problems. Now adding quickly-built models, triggers, notifications and dialogues is easily possible, so I could finally focus on adding actual content (the fun stuff).

  3. Rick H reporter

    Ok, so I'll apply for courses in Cologne (Digital Games) and Coburg (Product Design). I also would really like to apply for a Swedish initiative to support upcoming game developers, but that would mean I can't apply for Coburg. Not sure if I should value becoming a fulltime indie developer (as in other projects then Kelgar) over the chance of learning how to create products. In any way, my money issue is solved for now.

    I'm not sure yet how much time exactly I'll need, but in February I'll get a homework from Cologne, I need to apply. (mainly designing a game to a given theme) So you could come over at the end of your semester holidays :)

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